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Teeth is very essential to us. It plays an important role in decomposing foods that we put in our mouth going to our stomach. It is important to chew or digest the foods we take because undigested foods might cause stomach aches and other serious problems. So, be careful with what you take and more importantly take care of your teeth.
When I was a boy, I used to eat foods like chocolates, candies, cakes, sweets, desserts and foods with high concentration of sugar. We all know that these foods can harm our teeth. Teeth is so fragile that it can be easily destroyed if you are not taking care of it. Sugar stays on your teeth and live stains with it. Stains then creates bacteria that penetrates your teeth and make a whole or damage on your teeth.
However, today we all know that there are treatments that will solve this problem. Some are commercialized and some are not. Commercialized are so good nowadays especially if your maintaining a tight budget. Now this then turn alternative methods takes place. Home teeth whitening is most popular method today. It is practically cheap and very effective. You can do it in your home.
All you need to do is brush your teeth everyday, at least 3 times a day. Note, it should be at least 3 times, not 2 times nor once. It is important to brush your teeth everyday to make sure you no stains living in your teeth. Use toothpaste that is rich in Peroxide. Peroxide helps remove stains and keep your teeth whiter and more radiant looking.
Then after brushing, be sure to gargle your teeth. It should have oxygenating oral rinse to help enhance the effects of your toothpaste.
To learn more view this: Home Teeth Whitening
And also you can read some important tips here: Teeth Whitening